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Privacy Policy

Enabling Financial Services & Merchant Payments for Banks

We value your trust in Mintoak. This Privacy Policy describes the information Mintoak Innovations Private Limited (called, “Mintoak” or “we” or “us) collects when a person or business (called “covered person” “ or “you” and “your”) visits http://www.mintoak.com (called, “Website”). This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and share your personal information. By visiting our Website you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy and agree to our collection, use, sharing, and storing of your information as described herein. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use or access our Website. By mere use of or access to our Website, you expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to the Terms of Use.


All persons or businesses, whose information is either collected/ received/ possessed/ stored/ dealt in/ handled by Mintoak and who visit the site www.mintoak.com and provide information to Mintoak online are covered under this Policy.

Information covered by this policy

This Policy seeks to cover “information”, of the Covered Persons, provided to Mintoak as also any information collected by the Mintoak server from the visitor’s browser. The ("Information"), i.e. any of the following: Personal/private/financial/business/demographic information of the covered persons, during the signing up process or when you apply or sign up for our Services; Sensitive personal data or information.

Definitions used in this policy.

"Information" means any information that relates to a natural or legal person, which, either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available with a body corporate, is capable of identifying such person/s. "Sensitive personal data or information" of a person means such personal information which consists of information relating to :

Password. Financial information. Bank account and card details. Biometric information. Name, address, profile, date of birth. Contact details. Documents issued by Government /Government departments/Agencies/PSUs for identification and documents evidencing proof of address issued by Government / PSUs / telecom/electricity / local bodies; provided that, any information that is freely available or accessible in the public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law for the time being in force shall not be regarded as sensitive personal data or information for these purposes.

The features of the policy

How we use the information: We may use information about you to provide, maintain, and improve our Services, such as: Processing or recording payment transactions; Displaying historical transactions; Developing new products and Services; and delivering the information and support you request, including technical notices, security alerts, and support and administrative messages. We may use information about you to improve, personalize and facilitate your use of our Services. For example, we may use information about you to measure, customize, and enhance our Services, including the design, content, and functionality of our applications, devices, and websites, or to track and analyze trends and usage in connection with our Services. We may use the information you provide to connect you with your customers/buyers and people you already know. Mintoak may utilize the information collected to facilitate the Merchant to use the customer information for its loyalty marketing programs. All Information collected by Mintoak shall be used for the relevant lawful purposes connected with various functions or activities of Mintoak, related to services in which the Concerned Person is interested, and/or to help determine the eligibility of the Concerned Persons for the product/services requested/ applied/ shown interest in and/or to enable Mintoak the Covered Persons verification and/or process applications, requests, transactions and/or maintain records as per internal/legal/regulatory requirements and shall be used to provide the Concerned Person with the best possible services/products as also to protect interests of Mintoak. Mintoak also may disclose information about you as permitted or required by regulatory agencies and law. About the information collected from visitors of the website online (“visitor”), Mintoak will use the Information to improve the Covered Persons' experience on the site and make subsequent offers to the visitor on products that may be of interest to him/her, if so agreed while giving information.

How we share your information:

The Information shall not be shared with any external organization unless the same is necessary to protect the interests of Mintoak or to enable Mintoak to provide you services or to enable the completion/compilation of a transaction, credit reporting, or the same is necessary or required pursuant to applicable Indian Laws or Statute or Government or Reserve Bank of India or any other regulatory bodies/organizations in India or pursuant to the terms and conditions applicable to such Information as agreed to with Mintoak or pursuant to any requirement of law/regulations or any Government/court/other relevant authority’s directions/orders. Needless to add, confidentiality norms as applicable shall be adhered to. Mintoak may also share Information to provide you with superior services and a range of offers. We may also share your Information, without obtaining your prior consent, with government agencies mandated under the law to obtain information for verification of identity, or for prevention, detection, investigation including cyber incidents, prosecution, and punishment of offenses, or where disclosure is necessary for compliance of a legal obligation. Any Information may be required to be disclosed to any third party by us by an order under the law for the time being in force. In this regard, it may be necessary to disclose the Covered Persons' information to one or more agents, partners and contractors of Mintoak and their sub-contractors, but such agents, contractors, and sub-contractors will be required to agree to use the information obtained from Mintoak only for these purposes. Mintoak may share the “information” collected with its sponsoring bank/s for transaction processing and settlement of payments due to the Merchant.


Information provided by you are retained (for later of the) (i) as long as the purposes for which such data were collected continue. Or (ii) for such period to satisfy legal, regulatory, or accounting requirements or to protect Mintoak's interests.

Covered Person obligations

Please note that the accuracy of the Information provided to us on the Website or on the Mintoak Platform, is essential, among others, to the provision of our products and services to you. It is therefore a term and condition governing the access and use of the Website Mintoak Services, and software platforms that you undertake to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all Information disclosed, shared, exchanged or otherwise update and notify Mintoak via e-mail at www.mintoak.com/services of any changes in the Information. The Covered Persons authorizes Mintoak to exchange, share, and part with all information related to the details and transaction history of the Covered Persons to its Affiliates/banks / financial institutions/credit bureaus/agencies/participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network as may be required by law, customary practice, credit reporting, statistical analysis, and credit scoring, verification or risk management or any of the aforesaid purposes and shall not hold Mintoak liable for use or disclosure of this information. The Covered Persons shall not disclose to any other person, in any manner whatsoever, any information relating to Mintoak or its Affiliates of a confidential nature obtained during availing the services through the website. Failure to comply with this obligation shall be deemed a serious breach of the terms herein and shall entitle Mintoak or its Affiliates to terminate the services, without prejudice to any damages, to which the Covered Persons may be entitled otherwise.

We may use cookies to:

The Mintoak website may use cookies. Cookies are small data files that a website stores on your computer. We use persistent cookies which are permanently placed on your computer to store non-personal (Browser, ISP, OS, Clickstream information, etc) and profiling information (age, gender, income, etc). While cookies have unique identification nos, personal information (name, a/c no, contact nos, etc) SHALL NOT be stored on the cookies. We will use the information stored in the cookies to improve the visitor experience by throwing up relevant content where possible. We will also use the cookies to store visitor preferences to ease visitor navigation on the site. We may in the future implement encryption of the cookies.


We use commercially reasonable safeguards to help keep the information collected through our Website secure However, no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and so we cannot fully ensure or guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us or guarantee that information on our application may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by any person.


Mintoak may, from time to time, amend or change this policy by posting a revised version on its Website at www.mintoak.com and updating the “Last updated date” above. The revised version will be effective at the time we post it. e encourage you to review this Privacy Policy whenever you access or use in any manner Mintoak Services, Device, application, product, service, feature, technology, content, or Website (collectively, “Services”) to stay informed about our information practices and the choices available to you and to contact us if you have any questions about these changes. Your use of our Services constitutes your acceptance of any amendment to this Privacy Policy.


You may contact us with any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy at - privacy@mintoak.comtext addressed to Rama Tadepalli (Grievance Officer, Mintoak). At Mintoak, we value your relationship and will always strive to ensure your privacy.


Cookie Policy

We care about your data, and we'd use cookies only to improve your experience. By using this website, you accept out Cookies Policy.